
The Newest GIVEAWAYS on Born Pretty Store + Review

Born Pretty store is having giveaways for the new year and here is a review of the full site.
Let's first talk about the two giveaways they are having. Blog and the Facebook Giveaway.

The Blog Giveaway
                                                                                                                   The Facebook Giveaway

Songs form around the world: A heart touching song ♥

A really heart touching song about the differently abled people and their thoughts: feelings. You may don't understand the meaning, but you will feel it in the heart. ( see below for the meaning )  Must Watch

Winner Of the Wall Decal Giveaway

We have a winner of the Wall Decal Giveaway which was sponsored by Cherry walls on Etsy. So the winner is

Congratulations !!!

Didn't you win ?  Don't worry, You can join the Wonderful Pendent + chain Giveaway..

Guest Post: Feeling Beautiful despite a cancer Diagnosis

Feeling Beautiful Despite a Cancer Diagnosis
By: Jackie Clark

A cancer diagnosis can be a terrifying and upsetting thing for any woman. Being diagnosed with breast cancer, mesothelioma, or any other form of this disease can mean many hours spent in hospitals, where it is certainly difficult to find a way to feel positive, let alone beautiful. However, amidst discussion of chemotherapy, new treatments, or life expectancy, it is in fact possible for female cancer patients to find ways to still feel beautiful through beauty and fashion. And believe it or not, if you feel beautiful on the outside, you will find that it does in fact help to boost your morale and give you a sense of hope through this painful and difficult chapter in your life.

Is pushing back / Cutting cuticles Bad?

This is a very common question that many of you might have. I also had the same question and I found the answer ...

According to How stuff works is Bad. Read the article here
I also personally believed that. Specially extensive pushing will be bad.

You use your hands so much throughout each day of your life that it's easy to take your fingers and fingernails for granted. Without healthy fingernails, though, your sensitive fingers would be missing their only armor against daily use and abuse. And strong, pain-free fingernails require smart cuticle care.

Etsy Finds: The Perfect Christmas Gift

This is going to be a quick post about an item I found on Etsy. This is not a sponsored post, I'm just sharing something I thought will be a good christmas present.

So here it is The Iceberg nail polish Ring

How to maintain Kissable Lips

The winter is here and you may experience dried or chapped lips. So here are a few tips I found

Drink Water
Drinking water is the first thing you can do to keep your lips healthy. Many people may not know it, but

Giveaway Update (2 giveaways)

Dear Cuties,
 I have TWO on going giveaways on my blog and if you haven't joined them, you can join now....
Hurry up.. They will end soon....

1. Pendent Giveaway (31/12)

Pinkii Life FB Giveaway

It's me back again with another giveaway for you. It's christmas time and here is another christmas gift for you from Pinkii Life.
Veronica from Cherry Walls  
is sponsoring the giveaway
and She will be giving one lucky winner a Cute Wall Decal
     from her etsy shop
to see the prize click here

A new Giveaway from Pinkii Life on December 1st

I'm having a new giveaway for you and It will start on DECEMBER 1st.
One winner will receive a wall decal form Cherry walls on Etsy
I'm sure It's gonna be a christmas present for you.
stay tuned and check back on Dec 1st
and Join our International Giveaway

SOTD: Owlcity- Vanila Twilight

Hello dear,
It's been a long time since I have posted so, This is about the song I love the most at this time
It's a bit old one, but I love it :D

(  Taken form YouTube)

Penpal Bloggers ???

Hello beauties,

You may have heard about penpals who write letters to people who are in different and far away countries.
I love to write and to get letters and I once had a penpal too.
So if you are a blogger and Love to receive packages form mail then this is a great chance for you.

There is a new blog called Penpal Bloggers which help you to find a fellow blogger who are willing to exchange packages with you.

Are you interested??? Go to Penpal Bloggers now and register.  I'm sure this is gonna be a great opportunity :D

Adopt a Polish (FREE)

Hello nail polish lovers,
If you are a resident of US or Canada, this is a very great opportunity for you. You can adopt a free polish form Adopt a Isn't that exciting??? I got the news form Chalkboard nails blog.

How does it work ??
It's simple
1) Choose a nail polish you would like to add to your family from our current adoptions 

2) At the bottom of the profile apply to adopt the polish by commenting on why you would be the best parent 

3) We will pick the best application on December 31st and arrange for free transportation of your new nail polish. 

Review: Dreamy i Blue Circle Lenses

Hello Circle lense lovers and non-circle lense lovers too :D

I told you that I will be doing a review of the Dueba Dreamy i Blue circle lenses I received from the
So here they are being reviewed....  :D

Review: The Giveaway Necklace

Hello dollies,
I promised to do a review on the giveaway necklace and here it is. You can see the sneak peek of my mail at here.
Tiff form "Lizabettas" gifted me this cute necklace and she is giving another one for one of you lucky winners too. If you hadn't Enter My Giveaway Here (To win a necklace like this)
As I can remember, it took about 2 1/2 weeks for the parcel to arrive.

Go to 
To see all her pendents

The necklace was packed in a bubble wrap envelope and it was with a cute business card.

Things to review+ peek in my mail

Hello bunnies, (lol)

Today I got two parcels form the snail mail and I got super excited and ran home with the parcels to see what's inside. I am a really big snail mail lover and I know that you also love to get packages form mail..Surprising huh??
Let's have a sneak peek at them.... :)
Yeey the items are soo cute.. (please click on the images to see them enlarged )

I just won a giveaway and you can win it too.. Enter here

Hello dear readers,
Today I won a giveaway from Rodmas creations .     Dorothy in Rodmas creations have a great blog and she has a giveaway going on.
The giveaway is soo cool as there is
      )No random winner.
 )No commenting
        )And no ending dates
       )It's all about winning
 It's mostly like a challenge. She gives you a hint about an item of her shop to you and If you could find it then you get to be a winner at that moment.
Wanna win a cute prize just like me? Enter here
Her today's present was found by me... and she reserved it for me.. ( :D )
This is the present I won

Writing Diaries and How to... (Tips)

I was wondering about a topic to write a post and as I saw that many of you like to write diaries I wanted to write another diary post. So here it goes.

My first Review : Handmade Earrings form Etsy ...

Hello lovelies,
Okay this is a post after a long time...... And I This is my first review form an Etsy shop. Helen's Homemades
I got a nice pair of  earrings form Helen from her shop to review. First I must say that this post is not paid and I only got the earrings to try and review so all the opinions in this post are 100% honest thoughts of mine...

Pinkii Life 2nd Giveaway !!! :D

                                                         It's giveaway time

Hello pinkii s,
I thought to do another giveaway and I found a sweet sponsor form etsy who sells necklace and  pendents.
Her shop is filled with wonderful pendents I really love them you can visit her shop from here. Lizabettas 

Another email I got

Okay due to the great(maybe a little :D )... response I got from the post I love you dad I thought to do another post about a very funny email I got. It's about teachers and students.. lets see..(PICTUER HEAVY)

Plz comment below if you like more email posts....

Giveaway ended ! We have a Winner !!!

Hello girls,
My makeupbag giveaway ended right now and we have a winner. I was so excited about this and It took only a second to chose a winner as I recorded every entry earlier. And I chose the winner from RANDOM.ORG by writing all your entires in a excel worksheet.
Sooooo The winner of the makeup bag is..........................................
With random No 8

Congratulations mihaela!  You will get the makeupbag and a surprise  gift form me. I will be contacting you soon....  I reached exactly 55 followers from this giveaway and I really wanted to give a special prize for the winner. I will buy the prize tomorrow and will publish  the pictures .

 The winner has 72 hours to respond and I will chose another winner if she couldn't contact me.
Thank you for everyone who entered.. And stay tuned for more giveaways.....



Hello beauties,
I"m always posting about giveaways... But I know you love them.. :D
So this time meghan is giving away $5 giftcard  to her followers form her etsy shop..
So enter her giveaway by clicking here 

Did you enter my giveaways ?
Makeup bag giveaway-

Add spaces giveaway ( There will be 10 winners)- 

A Heart Touching story of parental love

                                                                I LOVE YOU DAD
I got this email from one of my friends on fathers day and I wanted to share it with you.. Maybe you have heard this earlier, anyway this is a really heart touching story ...

"My dad only had one eye. I hated him... He was such an embarrassment. .
He cooked for students & teachers to support the family.
There was this one day during elementary school where my dad came to
Say hello to me.
I was so embarrassed.
How could he do this to me?
I ignored him, threw him a hateful look and ran out.
The next day at school one of my classmates said, "EEEE, your dad only
Has one eye!"
I wanted to bury myself.
I also wanted my dad to just disappear..
I confronted him that day and said, " If you're only gonna make me a
Laughing stock, why don't you just die?"
My dad did not respond....
I didn't even stop to think for a second about what I had said, because
I was full of anger.
I was oblivious to his feelings.
I wanted out of that house, and have nothing to do with him.
So I studied real hard, got a chance to go abroad to study.
Then, I got married.
I bought a house of my own.
I had kids of my own.
I was happy with my life, my kids and the comforts, Then one day, my
father came to visit me.
He hadn't seen me in years and he didn't even meet his
When he stood by the door, my children laughed at him, and I yelled at
Him for coming over uninvited.
I screamed at him, "How dare you come to my house and scare my
And to this, my father quietly answered, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I may have
Gotten the wrong address,"
And he disappeared out of sight.
One day, a letter regarding a school reunion came to my house..
So I lied to my wife that I was going on a business trip.
After the reunion, I went to the old shack just out of curiosity.
My neighbors said that he died.
I did not shed a single tear.
They handed me a letter that he had wanted me to have.

"My dearest son,

I think of you all the time. I'm sorry that I came to your house and
Scared your children.
I was so glad when I heard you were coming for the reunion.
But I may not be able to even get out of bed to see you.
I'm sorry that I was a constant embarrassment to you when you were
Growing up.
You see........when you were very little, you got into an accident, and
Lost your eye.
As a father, I couldn't stand watching you
Having to grow up with one eye.
So I gave you mine.
I was so proud of my son who was seeing a whole new world for me, in my
Place, with that eye.

With all my love to you,
Your father.

Always tell someone that you love them because you never know what day
Will be their last, or your own.

Always seek to resolve your problems or disagreements with loved ones
Because if either of you should pass on before, the one who is left alive will have
the rest of their life to ponder those unresolved feelings but will never find closure.
And closure usually brings

Giveaway Reminder !!!

Pinkii Life Interntional makeup bag giveaway will end in 5 days and if you couldn't enter you can enter now. Hurrry only 5 days are left..

To enter the giveaway click this link or click the giveaway photo  here..    ---------------- > >>>>>>>                

Random post: My favourite book of all times?

Ok this is a random post and It is about my favorite book of all times. I think it is WILD MAGIC  from cat weatherill. It is like a children's book :S but I like it. It's like I've been in to another world...

Description: It's sort of like the second part of the fairy tale "The Pied piper of Hamlin" what happens after the children go inside the rock . But when it comes to the middle it becomes more magical and I felt eager to read more...

Even the cover of the book is very beautiful and it makes the reader attracted.
So if you are a teen, or if you have children I think this is a good book to recommend..

I <3 this <3   :D

I won a giveaway and got the prize !!!

Hello beauties,
I already told you that I won a giveaway from GOTH  (girl on a thrift hunt) and after exactly 2 weeks(today), I recieved my FIRST  GIVEAWAY  PRIZE... :D
I must say I was soo excited when I saw the prize and specially the items were bigger than I thought. There were 6 items and here are the pictures.

The parcel was so simple and cute. And both ends were sealed by tapes, so the content is secure.

The most important thing about the parcel is, it is full of stamps !!! :D  There were 27 stamps pasted on the parcel as 10 on the front and 17 on the back.... ( I collect stamps, and I got so many  YAY ..)

All the items were packed neatly and cutely <3

I got
A mousepad
2 Be Happy fridge magnets
A cute purse

A cushion cover

And most importantly a lovely tote <3

Ok these are the prizes I won and I must say the best thing I love about this is
This is the first giveaway prize I ever won and
It's designed with BE HAPPY !  I really love that theme..

So thank you Lui for the very nice giveaway and the present..

Mini Makeup Brush-set review

Hello Girls,
                  I have 3 mini makeup brushes and I'm gonna show them to you.
I have only 3 brushes but I love them so much as they are so small and easy to carry anywhere I go.
You can insert these brushes in to any bag you carry and because of the small size ,even you can put it in a wallet or a purse...
I have 2 eyelash combers
          2 lip brushes
          2 eyeshadow applying brushes

and some more (not in the picture)

This is the review of my small brushes and most importantly they are not long than a nail polish bottle
( IT IS a little longer than a nail polish bottle, but not much .. lol)

Pinkii Life facebook page launch

Hey girls,
Now pinkii life has a facebook page and I'm soo excited about it... You can see my newest posts and giveaways  there. Make sure you visit and like..
Click on the image to go to the page 

Free Samples !!!

 Hello freebie addicts,
Ok this post is about a very good blog of free samples (updated everyday). The blog name is  "Drugstore divas" . The deals are mostly for US residents, but it has tons of posts about samples. So if you are a freebie addict you must see this blog as it is awsome.....
See ya.

Super Easy Nail art Tutorial

                                     Easy Nail Art Tutorial
Ok, I was so unhappy and was so boaring as I  posted about other boaring topics in my blog ,But now I'm starting to blog about beauty and other things. Nail polish and nail art is my favourite. I don't have much nail polishes or accessories but I just use what I have and try to do a new design

And this is a super simple and super easy nail art
(sorry for my short nails-I just stopped biting nails few years ago)

You need                                                                          I used
A transparent glue tape                                                      CCuk Basecoat
A scissor                                                                           And expert White polish
A basecoat                                                                        (these brands are not very popular)
And a white colour polish

I love Photography

Hello Girls,
I love taking photographs.I think you must too. So I'm gonna show you some of the photographs I took
I uploaded them to flickr so Take a look

This is a picture I love the most. (I'm not a very good photographer, I just love taking photos)
Enjoy my pictures and if you also have flicker accounts give my the link I'll check your photos too.

Writing Diaries/Journals

Hello Pinkii girls,
Today I'm writing about something different. It's about writing diaries. I am a diary writer for about 6 years. I love writing diaries and I write everything I feel in it. But you must be careful to hide your diary in a place where no-one will find it.
I write in the diary every night after the busy day and when I read the old diaries I feel "oh how stupid was I" "I was so childish" etc.. When I read the diary that memorize me all the important,happy and sad moments that were forgotten  in my life.
Do you write diaries too ?
If the pinkii sign in bottom is disturbing plz tell me ..

Bad news :(

Hello girls,
I have a bad news for you. I cancelled the international nail art stickers giveaway. Still you can join my Pinkii life Makeup bag giveaway   I will conduct more giveaways soon so stay tuned with Pinkii Life.

:(  :(  :(
I am so sorry girls hope you will join my makeupbag giveaway which ends on september 30

Pinkii life makeupbag giveaway is going to end

Hello beauties,
Although I didn't reach my 30 follower goal. I thought to end this giveaway as I am eager to giveaway some stuff to my lovely readers.
so will end on september 30 (friday) at 12.00 noon GMT.
winners will be announced about a day or two later as I'm going to draw the winner with the old fashion way, choosing the winner from a bowl !
Then the winner will receive the makeupbag.

this is international and if you couldn't enter please click the link below


I won a Giveaway + Announcement

Hey beauties,
Today I made this post to tell you that I won from a giveaway. I did this post cuz I've never ever won a giveaway before and I love to win..
I'm soo excited and I want to show you what I won

 This is the goody bag I won from , they will hold more giveaways and You can join too (I'm not trying to sponsor this site)

And the Announcement. 
I'm not going to post about other giveaways in this blog as it will be a burden to you. So I will post the giveaways I join in this blog  so if you wanna know about giveaways you can follow this blog.

I would like to know what kind of posts you want me to do . YOu can comment below with your suggestions.
