
Writing Diaries and How to... (Tips)

I was wondering about a topic to write a post and as I saw that many of you like to write diaries I wanted to write another diary post. So here it goes.

I am diary writing person. And I love it. I write in my diary every night.
I think that everyone must write a diary because when you read a diary you have written a few years back, you will see how you thought that time and may be how you acted so stupid.

So the most important thing you should know is
* Always keep your diary HIDDEN !!!
 You are writing your personal details in the diary and make sure no one sees that.
And write everything you feel in the diary,your emotions, feelings, special incidents, weather, what do you think about your friends , every happy moment and every sad moment.
I love to draw little picture or sketches of the things that happened that day, though your drawing is bad if you read it after a few years you will surely remember that incident clearly. ( I know I do :D )

I read one of my oldest diaries last week and I couldn't stop laughing. I was not good in English that time and in almost every page I have written the word  "trouble". I can't even remember what  the trouble is but at that age I really got in to trouble with my friends lol.

And  night is the best time to write a diary because almost all the incidents of that day are over.
I don't start to write as dear diary.. or what ever.. I don't feel like writing it as it's just a book. But If you like it then you can write it as you wish.

You can paste stickers and little notes (by you or by your friends )or pictures you have drawn that day. And if you like write anything you like to write on the front and the back covers of the diary.

At last, when you write a diary for an year, remember that all the memories of that year are with you now. They will never go away, they will be secure in the diary and you can read your memories anytime you like.

SO what do you think about writing diaries???

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful blog you have! I just came across it and couldn't stop reading. :) I love your diary post! I'm not huge on diary writing since I don't have much time for it, but I'm a writer so I love the idea of keeping one and being able to look back on it. :) Very interestin post.

    I'm a new follower! Can't wait to read more from you.

    Warm wishes,


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