
I just won a giveaway and you can win it too.. Enter here

Hello dear readers,
Today I won a giveaway from Rodmas creations .     Dorothy in Rodmas creations have a great blog and she has a giveaway going on.
The giveaway is soo cool as there is
      )No random winner.
 )No commenting
        )And no ending dates
       )It's all about winning
 It's mostly like a challenge. She gives you a hint about an item of her shop to you and If you could find it then you get to be a winner at that moment.
Wanna win a cute prize just like me? Enter here
Her today's present was found by me... and she reserved it for me.. ( :D )
This is the present I won

Isn't is cuute :D
I love it and these are her christmas hariclips

So let's take a look at Doroty's shop Rodmas Creations
Her shop is filled with wonderful handmade items and they look so beautiful
Her decorated buttons are soo kawaii

So these are just a few items form her lovely shop
Interested in watching more?


Disclosure::This is not a sponsored post Only my 100%  openion

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