
Adopt a Polish (FREE)

Hello nail polish lovers,
If you are a resident of US or Canada, this is a very great opportunity for you. You can adopt a free polish form Adopt a Isn't that exciting??? I got the news form Chalkboard nails blog.

How does it work ??
It's simple
1) Choose a nail polish you would like to add to your family from our current adoptions 

2) At the bottom of the profile apply to adopt the polish by commenting on why you would be the best parent 

3) We will pick the best application on December 31st and arrange for free transportation of your new nail polish. 

Every day, thousands of nail polishes are abandoned or abused. They are not sticky, or old, they are fine, new polishes. They are stuck on a shelf, and all they desire is to be used, and maybe taken for a night on the town. 

You can help by applying to adopt an in-need polish. By doing nothing you are ensuring the agony continues. These are new polishes and there is no charge to adopt, all you need to give is your much needed love.

But unfortunately this chance is only for US and Canada residents..  I'm so sad cuz I don't live neither in US or Canada, But If you are  hurry go to this website and adopt a poor polish who is waiting for a new owner..

So, are you gonna adopt a nail polish ???