
How to maintain Kissable Lips

The winter is here and you may experience dried or chapped lips. So here are a few tips I found

Drink Water
Drinking water is the first thing you can do to keep your lips healthy. Many people may not know it, but

drinks that are loaded sugar that can dry your lips out; making them look flaky. Skin peeling is popular for those who often consume sugary drinks. The sugar from drinks draws hydration from your body, thus the moisture in your lips. Drinking water will keep your lips refreshed and hydrated through anytime of year. Dark drinks can also discolor your lips, so refrain from coffee and dark sodas.

Limit the Amount of Petroleum

Products which contain petroleum are not necessarily for your lips. While this ingredient is useful for moisturizing it can often make your lips more drying. Petroleum does not penetrate the skin like other ingredients. Beware of Wax and Flavored Lip Gloss 

Lighten Up on the Cigarettes 
Not only is smoking unhealthy for your lungs, it can create premature wrinkles on your lips. The repetitive process of gripping cigarettes over time will create fine lines on both your top and bottom lip.

Wear Sunscreen
Wearing sunscreen is extremely important. Sunscreen is not exclusively for your face and body, but your lips as well. There are plenty of products on the market with an SPF high enough to protect your lips from sun damage and wrinkles due to sun exposure.
The misconception about sunscreen is that it is only for the summer time, this could not be further from the truth. Winter is often the most dangerous time for sun damage since people often underestimate the affect the suns rays have during this time.
Chapsticks contain wax ingredients. Lip glosses are fun and smell delicious. The problem with these types of products is that they are too tasty. It is a distraction to have a lip gloss that smells and tastes like strawberries. Constantly licking your lips draws additional moisture away from them. As you continuously lick your lips, the saliva eats away at the skin, leaving it more dry and cracked than before. This can start the process of peeling dead skin.
-- Opt for lip products, such as lipsticks or lip moisturizers, which contain sunscreen whenever possible to protect lips from harmful sun exposure.
-- Be smart about what you put on your lips. Avoid lip plumpers or other products that intentionally irritate lips to make them appear fuller, as the chemicals they contain can be irritating to some people.
-- Apply a petrolatum-based product at bedtime, which Dr. Parsons refers to as the perfect time for patients to "grease up" their lips.
-- Choose a simple product with few additives to minimize possible irritation.
-- See a dermatologist if lips are not getting better with simple at-home treatments or if new symptoms develop.
"Caring for your lips shouldn't be an after-thought," added Dr. Parsons. "By incorporating good lip care into your overall skin care regimen, you can maintainhealthy lips, avoid some of the common sources of irritation and protect your lip area from possible skin cancers."
 American Academy of Dermatology

Your lips will be kissable if you routinely follow a regimen of proper care. In addition to your diet and the types of fluids you consume, moisturizing is an important part of caring for your lips. Products that are specifically medicated for lip moisture are the best ones to use. Now you can have those beautiful soft lips you have been waiting for.

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Credit: I got these facts form Google search