
How to do the Caviar bead nail art

Doing the caviar beads nail art is not that hard to do, but it's kind a tricky as you have to deal with the tiny uncontrollable micro beads.
I have to say that I do have a hard time with those beads, but at the same time, they are fun to use if you know how to use them.

First, you need these things to do a neat nail art with the caviar beads
1. A paper funnel (make it smaller so you can easily put the caviar beads back to its container without spilling them everywhere. A must if you have the small caviar bead holder )

2. A small, deep container ( you need a somewhat deep container because when you are putting the caviar beads in to your nail it might bounce back if the container is not deep enough)

3.Nail polish ( base coat, top coat, and colours according to the colours of the caviar beads)

I have this 12 colour caviar beads set from born-pretty store and the colours come in different small containers and all the 12 colours are packed in a bigger acrylic box. ( I think the packaging is very sweet ^^)

So, let's get started

1. First apply a base coat and quite a thick layer of the background polish you want

2. Then move your finger a little inside the small deep container and carefully let the caviar beads fall on to your nail. ( and make sure the beads will only fall in to the container so you can put them back in)

3. After you are done with sprinkling the beads over your nail, just tap on your finger (not too violently) so any extra beads will fall.
Then carefully and smoothly press the beads on to your nails to make the surface even.

4. After you are done with these little adjustments, then you are done! I don't thoroughly recommend the top coat as sometimes the colour of the beads go off with the top coat, but if you want the nail art to last long, then a top coat is essential because the beads tend to fall easily if they are not properly bound to the nail.

Just knowing how to apply the beads is not enough, Here's how I remove the caviar beads

First I take some cotton,soak it will acetone and press it against the nail so the nail polish will get soaked and it will be easier to remove the beads.
Don't ever try to remove the beads by force as it may damage your nails.  and also I don't recommend caviar beads for a careless person with long nails as your nails might damage if you stick it somewhere unconsciously ( that's why my nails are short, I'm too clumsy :)

After your nails are soaked simply wipe the nail art with the cotton and the beads will come off easily.

So, I think now you know Exactly how to do the caviar beads nail art. You can to buy the 

But you can get it for even a reduced price if you use my 
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