
How to hold a blog giveaway, make your giveaway popular

A Giveaway is a wonderful word in the world of blogging. A person can simply join the giveaway by completing the entries and if she wins, she will get a nice prize from that blogger. I personally LOVE to join giveaways, and I have won a few giveaways too. 
If you also love to join to giveaways, you might have experienced some difficulties when joining some giveaways... so these are the things that I think every blogger must do when they hold a giveaway so the participants can join easily....

1. Always use rafflecopter
Rafflecopter is a a widget designed especially for giveaways and with the help of rafflecopter you can easily create, run giveaways and pick the winners. It's free to use and many people will join your giveaway because of the easiness to enter. I personally join only for rafflecopter giveaways because commenting is a really boring thing to do..   
If you haven't tried rafflecopter go try it now.. Its free- >>

2. Mention the rules and restrictions
Make sure to mention all the rules, restrictions (US only/ Internationally open), Ending dates, and other important facts like if the winner has to pay for shipping etc...
Also mention how to join the giveaway ...  eg: "join using the rafflecopter form below"

If you are using rafflecopter, don't forget to enter all the rule in the details section.

3. Remove Captcha 
If you want people to enter by commenting ( Which really don't recommend) please disable the captcha  puzzle because it is really hard to comment because of them, especially if we have to comment for each entry we did, that becomes really annoying. 

To remove captcha, go to Settings -> posts and comments->  and disable word verification.

4. Always email the winner if he/she has won
We don't check each and every blog everyday to see if we won because it is an impossible thing to do. So if you run a giveaway please be kind enough to email the winner if she/he has won the giveaway

5. Make a blog post announcing the winner
In a giveaway, everybody don't win, but still all the participants are waiting to know if they won. So make a blog post announcing the winner because the participants are expecting to know who won the giveaway.

6. Add some beautiful pictures of the prize 
That will make anyone want to join the giveaway

7. And finally,,,,,, Spread the message 
Just putting up a giveaway and waiting for people to join will give you nothing. Spread the message everywhere by using social media and blogs (but don't spam the others : ) 

Here is a list of the best blogs that bring traffic to your giveaway

Blog giveaways - the best blog I know to get traffic for giveaways
Etsy giveaways- they only publish handmade giveaways

My little giveaway blog which is still small (but I do publish giveaways :)

Do you also hold giveaways on your blog? Do you like to accept the giveaway rules and to become a part of the Great Giveaway Team ?
Then Grab the button below and show that you also hold good giveaways.


And if you know any more giveaway sites, blogs or if there's anything you think the giveaways holders should  do, please comment below, and I will add them if they are useful : )