
We have a Winner !!! (2 winners )

It took some time for me to announce the winners and that's because someone has stolen my phone.. I realllly loved it and now it's gone with all my photos songs and everything.. I cried a lot ( well it happens ) and I was not in a mood to do a post. So now I'm a little fine as my dad promised to buy exactly the same model for me     ...  =D

Hmmm so let's see who won this time.............

Winner 1 (The cutey prize) --- harrisjjj21@****.com,
for tweeting-!/H2Ogrrl/status/185919013774303232

Winner 2 (Ruffles with love prize) ---nafisah21@*****.com

for doing a blog post-

They were selected using as rafflecopter took a biiiiiig time to load.. I emailed you and if you didn't respond within 72 hours.. I will chose another winner..

And I wanna thank you all for commenting and for being with me and my little blog.. There will be more giveaways soon.. so Stay tuned : )
You guys are WONDERFUL !!!