
Sponsor Spotlight: Meredith's Little Shop+ Ring Review

Etsy is a wonderful place to sell and buy items you love. So this is about an Etsy shop which sells Handmade Jewelries.. Let's know more about her shop,

About Meredith, at Meredith's Little Shop
I am a 20 year old college student, in my 2nd year as a graphic design/photography major. I have been singing and dancing since I was old enough to toddle and drawing since I was old enough to hold a pencil. 

My dad is in the Army, so I have moved 13 times and been to at least 25 states and 3 foreign countries. 

I spend the first 18 years of my life being homeschooled and that gave me the opportunity to pursue art, dance, acting, singing and so much more!! (dont worry I also won a social butterfly award at camp one year, so I wasnt sheltered like people seem to think.) 

Her most favorite items from Her shop
I love these earrings!! They make me laugh. 

This is something new I just started doing and I love these flowers because you can use them to add color to anything, they arnt just for your hair, you can put them on your purse or shoes, decorate your house with them, add them to gift bags. There are so many things you can do with them that I just cant get enough of them!! I want them in all colors!!


Isn't her shop wonderful ?
And this is a wonderful ring from her shop,
I got the ring in a cute box + a business card

This is how the ring looked like

The ring is not so big, but it looks big on my skinny fingers :P And they look dry too ,, 
Please just ignore the fingers :(

Go to
and see all the jewelries she makes..

Have a nice day

And don't forget to enter my giveaway too, they are below the heder..