
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012 ... + Sneak peek at 2011

Learned a lot, Lost a lot, Learned my mistakes and I'm here to correct them and I'm ready for the New Year,
Happy New Year Everybody  
Now it's 2012, a New year, a New begining.....
( years pass very quickly and we are getting old :P he he..)

So 2011 was a great year with lots of great memories. Specially the times were great at school (except for studying :/   )  we had many free times as the teachers didn't come..
But I'm a little sad as I miss my old friends..

I started this blog (Officially) on 2011 and  now I'm happy that I have such kind and lovely followers, I got many comments to my posts and I just love getting comments. Your comments Make My Day, specially when I get a comment I feel like someone's there to here me.. If not I just feel like I'm talking to myself like a fool :P
So plz, Do Comment, I love them  <3


What Will I do on 2012 ???

I wanna be a good blogger by doing good and interesting posts often this year :D

My BirthDay is on February and I'm dying till it comes... Parties, Presents.. I love them..

I wanna buy more nail polish and I wanna do more reviews.

I would like to give a try to a nail art Tutorial.. but I mess up nail arts all the time :(

..... This is just a few of what I'm going to do, I'll tell the other later, when I remember them :)


So, do you also have plans for the New Year? I would love to know : D