
It is all about Vaseline

                                                               Uses  of  Vaseline
Vaseline is a cheap and an effective product available in the market..

There are moisturizers, lip blams, and many other vaseline products
But in this post I" m going to tell you the Other important of vaseline....

1. Put a coat on your eyelashes before you go to bed. Lots of people swear by this – and say it will make your lashes grow longer and thicker over time.

2. Put a coat of vaseline moisturizer on your feet at night,  and wake up to softer feet – every day!

3. Put vaseline on your elbows every day – they will stay soft!

4. Put Vaseline on your cuticles several times a day for softer and better looking cuticles every day.

5. Put Vaseline on chapped lips

6. Put a coat of vaseline on your eyelashes and it will be a good alternative to mascara

7. Use Vaseline as lip gloss

8. Mix a little Vaseline with a little Kool-Aid powder and make a colored and flavored lip gloss!

9. Melt Vaseline and one chocolate chip in the microwave, mix and let resolidify for chocolate lip gloss!

10. Maintains perfume scent longer when applied at perfume points before spritzing the perfume.

11. Can be used as a moisturizer for acne sufferers (it is a misconception that it clogs pores)

12. Moisturizes severe dry skin

13. Use Vaseline on your knees to prevent that dry, ashy look

14. Mix with sea salts to make a scrub!

15. Protects skin exposed to adverse weather

16. Applied under eye shadow it can create a shiny effect

17. Applied on cheeks for a dewy look

18. Can be used to smooth and soothe skin after shaving

19. Helps to ease off stuck on rings

20. Tames unruly eyebrows

21. Defines eyelashes and leaves them with a glossy and waterproof look

22. Use a tiny dab to put a quick shine on your shoes and bags

23. Make your week old nail polish look new again - rub a small dab over the polish

24.Once you carve your Halloween pumpkin, rub Vaseline on the exposed edges. it keeps it from rotting or going dry.

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❤ pinkii ♬


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